Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm With Marvel_b0y?

People have started claiming that the I'M WITH MARVEL BOY button is evidence that Marvel_b0y was their viral campaign. Kinda forgets that Marvel Boy is a character involved in Secret Invasion...


  1. I hate that cover. Looks more like some random porn star than Carol Danvers.

  2. I seriously laughed when I read this. I saw the cover the other day when Newsarama posted the solicitations.

    It didn't even register to me that it might be referring to marvel_b0y.

    But, going on clues to who marvel_b0y may be, that might be the closest he's going to get to a cover girl of that quality.

    I'm all about Carol Danvers being the hottest chick in Marvel-dom. Play it up, I say.

  3. Looking at that cover kind of makes me forget everything for a moment. Those are some big round...badges they have in the background.


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