Sunday, April 20, 2008

Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D

Had the privilege of seeing the 20 minute preview of JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH 3D after the convention today. I'll reserve judgment on the acting in the clips, because these scenes were chosen as being a great demonstration of the success of the 3D technology used in the process, not proof of great script or acting.

Brendan Fraser spent a lot of time at the convention going on and on about the way it shows the environment and gives a depth of field...and he was right.

The movie still suffered a bit from foreground characters looking like they resided outside of the movie screen for extended periods of time, which can become distracting. Objects should only travel quickly outside of the environment of the screen, not remain stagnant there. But it didn't really hurt too badly, especially since it is part of the quiet moments.

I think that the technology they are using brings films a lot closer to being able to just adopt 3D as a standard, rather than a gimmick. It had a place and a purpose in every scene. You got used to the depth and even appreciated it, rather than finding it to be a nuisance. With home theaters advancing so much these days, lord knows the theaters need something to help motivate asses back into the seats at theaters.

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