Monday, October 12, 2009

Ryan Sook On The Atom & Hawkman, BN #6 Only To Ship 12/30

UPDATE: BLACKEST NIGHT #6 will be the only DC Comics book shipping for the week of 12/30. This is the sort of thing that is often done in events when they're clearing the field for major line-wide changes. Is that happening here?

ORIGINAL BLOG: As per Geoff Johns' Twitter account, Ryan Sook is the artist on his contribution to the Blackest Night skip month twist/event.

Johns is excited to work with Sook and I don't blame him. While Sook has had some trouble with getting his best work finished by deadline, he's almost a mortal lock to present something beautiful for a one-shot that gives him lead time.

It is great to see Geoff still getting geeked to work with particular artists. He's already had quite an impressive list of artists he has worked with, including but not limited to Gary Frank, Doug Mahnke, Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis and Dale Eaglesham (anyone left out is an oversight, not a reflection of my opinion of them).


  1. When Johns says it's the only comic shipping, he means from any publisher, not just DC. Not denying that there isn't a huge, big shocking event in that issue, but they aren't surpressing any books because of it.

  2. I see now. Originally, this news was followed directly with talk of indie week, which made me think some stuff was shipping.

    Still, taking the extra effort to have the book there that week might imply the same reboot level event being out into motion.


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