Saturday, May 09, 2009

Cover Bulge Round Deux?

Athletic supporter or the real reason why Iris hoped and prayed for Barry's return all these years...YOU DECIDE!


  1. Motherfucker! I ponted that out first!>:O

  2. Fuck you and your blog, sir! >:o

  3. ....I don't get the big deal... :-/

  4. What am I supposed to be looking at, here? It's the Flash's crotch. It looks like every other male, spandex-clad crotch in comics.

  5. Eh, looks more bulgy than usual to me, in as much as there seems to be more detail separating it out from the legs.

    And I'm not saying it is a big deal. This isn't the start of a campaign where I suggest we all express our outrage at DC Comics for such a bulge. A friend just made a comment about the image and I did a quick crop job on the picture to make a blog post about it.

  6. If you don't have something good to blog about, then don't blog at all, man.

  7. I'm sorry I posted a blog entry that you found so uninteresting that you commented twice on it. Next time, I shall endeavor to elicit 5 responses. ;)

    In all serious, every entry isn't for everybody. Sometimes I post something that is mostly for me and a few people I know. That's the beauty of this being my blog.

  8. Men have these things called cocks, and if you wrap them in spandex, well, the bulge. Unless it's cold, you know?

  9. Big plus for Iris.

    On the minus side for her, though, even after his return, Barry is still the fastest man alive...



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