Dan's chasing me around the blogosphere again.
Over on the blog that dare not link to me:
You got four posts from me here today. Three comments on a thread yesterday. In each case you started by taking shots at people I know– and have posted just as much back.
On my side, there really hasn’t been that many comments from me since my last post on Feb. 2nd on the same thread where you reported Marc Guggenheim to the WGA. In the meantime YOU have been making frequent and regular posts about ME. Most of which have accused me of doing something that I simply did NOT DO.
When you look at the amount of time you’ve dedicated to going after ME, versus my posts yesterday and today? I think I’ve shown remarkable restraint.
When you appeared to post on my message board AFTER reporting Marc, creating a regular column dedicated to slamming Val (over 10 times in 2 months), and making frequent accusations against me– as if that were perfectly fine, I requested that you be blocked from MY board and NOT the rest of Jinxworld. But when the mods took at your behavior around the net, THEY decided that ALL the Jinxworld boards were better off without you.
“Obi Gee Why Enn”
Val talking about her own history is one thing. Using it as a cheap shot to score points at the end of an argument is another. Kevin doesn’t think about these things or their resonance. All he cares about is their shock value.In his own words he “regrets” making the comments he did about Devin Grayson. While that is admirable, what is more telling is when he says “But I regret MORE that Valerie decided to spin what I said into something worse…” That’s messed up.
To the person posting as my own Ego (Thanks that’s cute).
How would you feel if you saw someone going around the net saying lies about you? Things he’s not willing to back up. (BTW, Matt Brady has seen everything Kevin’s accused me of doing at Newsarama– and has equivocally said he KNOWS I didn’t do it). How wouldyou feel if Kevin made accusations about your friends and coworkers? How would you feel if because– in his own words he “felt dismissed” and “agitated” over internet posts– he reported someone you know to their union? Seriously, how would you feel?
I think I’m allowed my 3 posts yesterday and these 4 today.
OK, Dan...let's go over this point by point, again, shall we?
- You have your own place to vent your feelings about me, Dan. Your own forum. Or you could answer my accusations here. But I don't see why you have to take every appearance by me on blogs across the 'net as the proper forum for you to vent about me. Really. You could get the same kind of effect by complaining about it on your own forum, couldn't you? So, no, I would not say that you've exhibited an incredible amount of restraint. I'd dare say you don't know the definition of the word.
- I had already told you that I'd have no problem staying out of
your forum several times during our off-board discussion. I even invited you to delete all evidence of my ever posting on your forum, not that you'd need my permission. Given your propensity for lies and fantastical stories, I don't know that I'm going to buy your story here.
- I didn't take a cheap shot at Val with it. She accused me of trying to get famous by having an argument with you and Guggenheim. That it was the purpose of my dust-up with the two of you. I denied that and then held the mirror back to her so she could see the way she chose to get famous.
- I regret making the joke the way I did. I stand by the fact that dating someone established in the industry does help your pitches get looked at.
- Please don't try to drag Matt Brady into this. He isn't part of the discussion and any talks you two had were private. It does nothing to help your argument.
Obi Gee Why Enn said:
Dan, Valerie brought up her vagina first. If she didn't want people talking about her vagina, then why should she post on the INTERNET about her vagina. If Kevin Huxford mocked her for talking about her vagina, it's probably because she has a whole topic category about her vagina. If Val doesn't want anyone to talk about her vagina, she should keep it off the internet.
That makes it sound like I actually had substantive discussions about her vagina, when I only pointed out that she used stories about her ripped vagina to get internet fame. She didn't just tell the story of the injury, she teased it in the blogs proceeding it, stretched it out into at least three blogs, and then kept referring back to it for awhile. One of the biggest word of mouth bits from her site was about some unnamed DC Comics penciller with a large member managed to break Val's vagina.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. But when you attempted to get your notoriety through your "broken hoohah" (her "label" for those blogs) and (at the time) anonymously slinging dirt about DC Comics editorial without naming names (thus likely leading to the innocent being judged just as badly as the guilty), you really have no leg to stand on in criticizing others...especially when you're attributing motivations that just aren't true.
Dude, you really should let the 'ripped vagina' thing go. It makes you sound crass and misogynistic. Yes she opened herself up to ridicule by blogging about it, as you say, but you're better off taking the high road. Resist the urge for shock-jockery, it's beneath you.
Right. Buh-wait...gay? Where the hell'd that come from? :)
ReplyDeleteI'll make you a deal: you get Dan Slott to stop trying to suggest I'm doing more than making mention of her own exploitation of her "sexual organ" for fame and I'll stop posting about it. I only seem to go on and on about it because Dan keeps painting my original comments as something other than what they were. ;)
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ReplyDeleteRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. You guys sure squat on my blog, waiting to strike.
ReplyDeleteFrag...gonna have to say bye-bye to that post, with you apparently trying to slip it past a filter by putting a * in the middle of the otherwise-complete N word.
Ok, I'll repost it. But in a way you proved my point. She may have brought it up, but we can't really use the same joke. Me and you have had our issues khux, but I promise you this was a serious post:
ReplyDelete"Duckula's right.
This is the equivalent of when a black guy makes a joke using the word ______. Even though they do it, it's still not ok for a white guy to do it.
I would leave the ripped vagina thing alone."
I actually came across this whole thing by mere accident and am fortunately aware of what was said. I gotta say...Slott's being a bit of an ass.
ReplyDeleteI can understand his desire to feel protective of Val. I remember coming across it thanks to Rich. You were right in your comment, she did ride it to fame. Yes it was a truthful, albeit painful, experience that she was sharing with the world. It was still used over and over and over and over again. She can't deny that it helped her gain fame and your suggestion that she used it for her own exploitation is right on. Slott should accept that many people agree with that observation.
Slott needs to try and get over past aggressions. It makes him look feeble and arrogant.
Oh...I wasn't trying to doubt the sincerity of your comment, even if I completely disagree with it.
ReplyDeleteYou'd be more inclined to agree you had a point if I was using anything but the clinical term.
Jake: thanks for taking the time to share your opinion. I think people that experienced her blog around the time she came to prominence and read the actual blogs tend to see that I'm not blowing things out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteI can easily understand how there was a draw to her "side" if you will. Her story is compelling, well written, and had the support of nearly the entire male comic book readership. At first it was. Soon afterward it became apparent that she would be remembered for the broken vagina and she continued to proclaim it for the new readership.
ReplyDeleteSo kudos to you for making a "stand" on her exploiting it. The actions that followed with Slott are belittling and unwarranted. Mainly on his part for taking such defense on someone making a continued interest in professionalism.
I'm sure the main reason for his comments, discussions, and in general "disagreements" with you flow from something he hardly experiences. What's that? An eloquently spoken comic book nerd, no offense meant, that attacks crappy writing and a lack of integrity (my opinion on his actions). Keep up differing with the opinion. If all else it's a good read.
Man I'm getting sick of typin gthat word verification thing, lol.
ReplyDeleteA comic reader/blogger writing about a comic writer or artist = normal.
A successful comic writer obsessing about what a fan/blogger says = not so much normal.
The more he says about it, the worse it gets for him in my opinion. Just let it go (although I enjoy reading it). You don't see the DC comics crew getting into internet fights and fake spoiler websites as much.
Well then, Jake...I'll keep differing if you keep reading. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'll turn off the word verification for a bit and see how that works out, Andy.
ReplyDeleteThank God! I hated that thing.
ReplyDeleteIt's so much easier to bash you now! :)
Ha! I aim to please, Frag!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, though...I forgot that thing was even on. The only reason I didn't turn it off back at the beginning was because I allowed anonymous comments. The two basically go hand in hand. There's no point in it if people have to sign up, I don't think.
(possibly famous last words right there)
I have to agree with Andy. Grant Morrison "attacks" Marvel for Secret Invasion but it was more or less in a playful tone but he does not fully go out and attack the fans for having a differing opinion.
ReplyDeleteI don't dislike Slott's abilities in the industry or his reasons to support a friend but his actions are unprofessional. If he really wants to really make his point then he should continue to do his best in the industry and not attack someone critical of his work or another person's actions while in the industry. I mean I see worse comments garnered to Hudlin, Way, and even Uwe Boll (rightfully so even if its movies...generally dislike his work). Even as disliked as they are they don't act the way he has. It's disgraceful, though I'll still read some of his work begrudgingly.
Funny you mention Uwe Boll. Maybe Slott and I should have a charity boxing match? ;)
ReplyDeleteIt'd be much more enjoyable if it were Slott and Uwe Boll. That way the viewer is the winner no matter the outcome.
ReplyDeleteAh, its like a breath of fresh air without the verification!
ReplyDeleteEven Val isn't as defensive about your various posts (about her blogging, etc.) as Slott seems to be. Maybe he has a crush on her?
I'd endorse a Dan vs. Uwe match, but I think Uwe Boll actually was pretty tough, I wouldn't want to box him.
Maybe Marvel Boy is Uwe Boll!!!
Or maybe I should go to bed, lol.
No, Val is just passive aggressive about her blogging. She tries to criticize me without pointing out my name. She tried to point to the WGA thing without saying my name and only slowly got pulled into directly insulting me as people called her on the lack of logic to her argument.
ReplyDeleteI'm of the opinion that her blog about spoilers being bad is about me, since she goes on to differentiate what she doesn't like from what Rich does (even if what I've done, in many places, is identical to Rich, down to whiting out keywords).
is it horrible that i want to know who the penciller was who ripped it?