Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me????

(Editor's note: this is republished from 2008. I had taken it offline as a draft, but put it live again because I think there's some revisionist history going on with the D'Orazio/Sims thing. I might try to restore the proper date if I can track it down.)

Originally ran on 3/20/2008.

I missed the pissing match between SOMEONE ELSE (Kevin Church, accomplished comic book writer and the blogger of Beaucoup Kevin) and Valerie D'Orazio? Revealing that there are so many other voices out there that find the way she handles discourse to be deplorable and dishonest? Who knew?

By the way...great person to have the face of ANY organization (cough...Friends of Lulu...cough), especially when she can show she's open-minded enough to be able to denounce sexism & misogyny AND promote the products of sexist/misogynist companies or persons. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have male poker players strip down for a photo shoot to discuss how they play the game, like this female player did.

Edit: You know...because this is the sort of thing Calvin Ayre has on his site.

Bodog Cat Fight
Barely Clothed at the Club
Girls of Bodog Fight
Kimberly Likes the Beach
And countless other examples.

Doesn't seem to me like this is the sort of company that the head of Friends of Lulu should be shilling for the vanity graphic novel of, regardless of the proceeds going to charity. Seems like something designed to be done for a loss to help out at tax time, while satisfying the ego of a billionaire, no?

Edit 2: Dontcha know...sometime after I pointed out that she was shilling for a flesh peddler in a previous blog she pulled the offending blog down. I guess that whole "personal blog vs. professional responsibilities" thing does come into play sometimes. Too bad she had to drop publicizing a friend's work like a hot potato for it, though.

Edit 3: Lest you think I made this up: the cached blog! God Bless Google (for their searches AND


  1. I'm just reading the comments now. My favorite part is where Kevin Church makes fun of the fact that Val has a donate button on a blog that uses a free blogging site. Why does that sound so familiar? :)

    I've got to hand it to these two. They've been able to take something as batshit boring as search engine optimization and make it kind of interesting.

  2. LOL Rick, you should start a blog saying that comment was ripped off. ;)

    No...please don't, actually. I shouldn't joke like that, since you might just do it.

    But they did manage to bring further attention to that topic and make it interesting.

  3. No, I wouldn't want to imply that Kevin stole my dumb comment. I mean, it's not like I'm the only one to think it's extremely crass for someone who has no overhead to ask for handouts. At least hobos will offer to wash your car's windshield when asking for a handout.

    I take back my original comment. My new favorite part is where Val gets into it with Ragnell. I always thought Val kind of wanted to be Ragnell when she grew up, except of course I think Val is older then Ragnell.

  4. I never realized that others who ostensibly share a cause with Val had such disdain for her. I think it takes away some of my desire to point out her hypocrisy, since so many people appear to already be aware.

    Whatever will I blog about now? ;)

  5. 10,00 BC?

    What would be even sadder is if people actually donated money.

  6. Andy, I was going to throw her a few bucks, but she wouldn't approve a comment I attempted to post on her blog. I don't give handouts to people that ask for comments and then stifle the ones that may not be in lock step with their own.

    Luckily, I saved a copy of my comment and I was able to post it on my blog.


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