Thursday, March 06, 2008

Schwapp@TheMovies: 10,000 B.C.

10,000 B.C. is not a bad movie. It, also, is not the type of movie that it was advertised as being. There is nothing epic about this movie, aside from a few remarkable special effect scenes.

No, it is a movie that has the feel of a buddy action flick set in pre-historic days. While many focus their ire on improbable bits and pieces for the time (perfect white teeth, "just try it!" dialog, etc), I was more focused on the wooden acting of the actor charged with the lead character, D'Leh. He couldn't emote convincingly to save his life, unfortunately. Aside from his love interest, he was surrounded by thespians that, while maybe not perfect, certainly knew how to sell emotion on screen.

Once the action hits, though, you can forgive stiff acting and get lost in the chaos on screen. While the plot and scenes of the movie read like formula lifted from the 80s, this movie benefits greatly from the technological benefits of today. Any business it does will largely be due to its effects and the key placement of a few quality actors.

It isn't a terrible film. It is a mediocre popcorn flick (a type of movie that normally strains to be mediocre from the start). But some of the action scenes are sold with such amazing special effects that you may just want to see a budget showing of this film at an early matinée or when it hits the second run theater.


  1. Why would anyone review this trash? Even the trolls around here wouldn't go to this movie for free.

  2. Now now, Anonymous...trolling goes in the trolling thread. :) Learn from JZA...he didn't actually cross into trolling territory. :)

    And, answer your question...I'd probably go see any major release at an advanced screening because it gives me an opportunity to have a review up before people can buy tickets. That's the most useful type of review to be able to have.

  3. You were sooooooooooooo close to keeping it at least on topic, DJ...then you crossed over into trolling about something unrelated. You know that goes into the DMZ. ;)


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