Friday, March 28, 2008

Random Comic Book Thoughts

  • Daniel Patrick Cassidy better be in the process of being returned to his stuck-in-a-suit, weirdness magnet beginnings. Otherwise, a comic book crime has been committed in Shadowpact. I had my own idea of how to accomplish this back in the day, over on the Newsarama boards.
  • In discussing with some friends what villains we think could support their own series (ala Doom 2099 or Empire), we all seemed to agree that Black Adam could sustain a series (based on that wonderful mini). The dream writer team (as dual writers seems to be all the rage), would be Tomasi and Fraction. But the surprise concept brought up was Red Skull. At first, it was thought he couldn't pull off a series. I countered that, if there ever was a time, it was now. Someone challenged that he'd need a foil, to which I answered that you'd simply have to go with someone trying to bring his organization down from within, possibly taking on a legacy name. Keep Bru on to write his diabolical Skull, bring on Fraction to bring some of his Casanova craziness to the foil. I'd really love to see Marvel try something like that.
  • Mike Choi (who was swell enough to stop by and comment on a blog I did about one of his blogs) posted an amazing...wait for about the David Mack situation. Or is it about the Mack situation? You decide. But I think he put a huge chunk of himself into that whole discussion. It's always amazing to me when comic book professionals put themselves out there like that, showing their emotional vulnerability in such a quiet and humanizing way. It's part of why the Word Balloon Bendis tapes softened me a lot on Marvel.
  • I really wonder how many of the readers who are here for spoilers will stick around when the well runs dry? It's not keeping me up at night, but I'd be lying if I said curiosity wasn't getting the better of me.
  • I'm glad that I've been able to run a few other people in the WGBGB feature, though I admit Mike's inclusion was a stretch. I knew there'd be a reasonable explanation or clarification, but I thought it'd make for good conversation, nonetheless.


  1. "I really wonder how many of the readers who are here for spoilers will stick around when the well runs dry?"

    I've been avoiding the spoilers to be honest. I come to read the movie & comics reviews. And the continuing sagas of Kevin Huxford vs Everyone Who Disagrees With Him of course. :P

  2. Just an afterthought Kevin, do all the Secret Invasion spoilers you have up pertain to just the first issue or things that will happen throughout the whole mini-series? It would be fun to read through them after that's all. Cheers.

  3. Honestly, I can't attest for certain as to whether the most recent Skrull reveal and the one coming Monday happen in the first issue or not. I'll verify with my source and get back to you.


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