Monday, February 11, 2008

Marvel & Their Photoshop Artists

I don't know what it is with Marvel. They seem to be the place where artists that over photo reference (to the point of appearing to lightbox real world images) wind up.

There's been more than enough talk about Greg Land. Salvador Larroca seems to be working down that line lately. His work is becoming interchangeable with Land's and that is NOT a good thing.

He is working with Matt Fraction, though, which is a positive.


  1. Yes, I hate it that Larroca has gone over to the photoshop side... Now, Land, he can do great covers, but for inside art, his stuff is too static.

  2. I think the other preview page offers a far worse example where he looks like he just cut and paste a hummer onto the page. I still think the art is great to look at but I wish he would go back to normal pencils with inks.

    Hopefully it won't get to the stage where there is a 'take the piss out of Salvador Larroca' thread much like the humourous Greg Land one on Newsarama.

  3. Yeah, I'm not hoping for Salvador to get whipped by the fans. He just can do better than becoming Land. Then, again, Land could have done better than becoming what he is today.


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