Thursday, February 05, 2009

I'd Prefer He'd Have Remained Away Then


  1. Are this character and "Smash!" just intended to provoke lawsuits from Marvel?

  2. As a poster on the Bendis board said, it looks like Spidey and Spawn had a baby. Is McFarlane even a draw in comics anymore. I know I dropped Spawn after David Hine left so I have not been following it lately.


  3. Wow, that is terrible! I saw the new Jeff Loeb comic SMASH listed in previews, and was a little confused that it looked a lot like the Hulk. This though is just asking for a law suit!

  4. I can't wait for the Retributers to start up next.

  5. Quesada, Loeb, and McFarlane are friends, so don't look to see a lawsuit over this.

  6. Alan, when you're talking about legal concerns, Quesada's friendship doesn't enter into it. Lawsuits of that variety aren't likely to be his final call.

    I'm not saying we'll see that happen, though...just that friendships won't play a factor.

  7. McFarlane should be sued just for drawing that butt-ugly cover. ;)

  8. So according to CBR Kirkman is writing, Capullo is doing layout, Ottley is penciling and McFarlane is inking. Hmmm not as impactful as the original announcement would lead you to believe.

    Isn't McFarlane already inking Spawn, how can he be back when he's doing the exact same thing he's already doing.

    CBR goes into a rather detailed interview with Kirkman who seems desperate to make people think Haunt is gonna be cool. Groan



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