Monday, March 17, 2008

Danny Boy

I can't let St. Patrick's Day go by without noting it here.

Personally, I can't let it go without hearing Danny Boy. For some reason, it is a song that I associate with my father. Think of him every time I hear it and wish he was here to share the day with.

But that's not what this is here for. I share with you Danny Boy now so that you might not harass the band at the bar tonight into playing Danny Boy for the 10th time because you just got in and weren't there for the other 9 times they had to play it. Especially if the band is one that normally does Irish pubs anyway and gets cajoled into the song several times a night every night they play.

Without any further favorite rendition of the song...


  1. You know the song was written by an Englishman who'd never been to Ireland?

    Up there with discovering most of the Pogues are English too. Shane MacGowan was born in Tumbridge Wells.

  2. Ugh.

    Disappointing. Didn't know that. But I don't think I'll let it ruin the song for me.

    I have some English blood, anyway. That's why I am never truly happy with myself. ;)


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