Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fourthman Reviews: Buffy Season 8 #12

By Lee Newman

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 #12

Published by Dark Horse
Written by Drew Goddard
Pencils by Georges Jeanty

Yeah, I’m returning to this book. I think it is because some people like to torture me. I’ll dispense with the usual admittance of ignorance about the characters as I am starting to get the hang of things. It would be nice if Buffy would explain her powers to me in one of her diatribes at a Vampire. Oh yeah, and name tags, that would be helpful.

So, this is the big issue that everyone has been talking about? I don’t get it. There is the nice character moment with Xander and some short haired girl. Then there is the big moment when Buffy starts batting for the other team. I hope that all the fuss is about how this played out better fifty years ago in Abbot and Castello movies. Then there is something wrong with the vamps. Really nothing happens in this comic. At least there’s nothing to cause all the hooping and hollering.

"Ultimate Comics, we have more comics then your shop has!"

I will tell you this reading part of the Vaughan, Whedon and now Goddard runs, there is not much unity in the voices of these characters. They seem like different people every time I pick it up, but there is minimal character development in the issues themselves. Either the writers need to get together and decide how all these people talk or there has to be a hell of a lot happening in the issues I have missed. Either way, this is becoming less painful every time.

Jeanty is not doing his best work here. Ridley, get off your butt, write something to inspire this guy. Thanks.

If I really cared, I am sure I could go on wikipedia and sort it all out, but until then, customers can fill me in on what is I am missing. I might keep reading just for the heck of it. I kind of want to know what’s up with the vampires.

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