Friday, May 16, 2008

DC's Legion Shuffling

Rich Johnston reported that Jim Shooter didn't wind up attending the Bristol convention because he's off Legion of Super Heroes. That was news to me.

In a follow-up thread about it in the Lying In The Gutters forums, a CBR poster named Ontire had the following to say:

I'd heard, more than a year ago, that Johns was going to take over shortly after the Bedard run. Shooter was going to come in and do a fill-in, leading up to Final Crisis, and Waid.2 Legion would cross-over with the Legion of the Lightning Saga, leading to Johns returning the Levitz era, pre-Crisis Legion, essentially intact afterwards.

Then, allegedly as a face-saving measure, it was decided that admitting complete failure on the re-launch was a bad move, and Shooter was made permanent, but as they say @ Grace Bros., "Our figures are slipping." So who knows now.

I had heard there was some interest in Geoff's version of the Legion before they even saw print in Lightning Saga or Action, but I never heard that it got anywhere near that sort of planning stage.


  1. If this is true, then I think it would be a shame. I've really enjoyed the new Legion.

  2. I'm leaning towards not true, but Waid has been more snarktastic than usual. Of course, the last time he was in a good mood was 1998.

    I remember Waid saying he left LOSH because Kitson was leaving, but then Kitson said he left LOSH because Waid was leaving. Hmmm.

  3. Yeah, the departure of Waid/Kitson still seems a little questionable. I wouldn't put it past DC to put Shooter on the book for a historical bump to the title while waiting to trigger another move. I'd hope they'd do it with full knowledge of all involved, though.


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