Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Marvel Loves Sexually Controversial Images

Yeah...THIS won't get a lot of negative attention (that will likely just help Marvel advertise it). I've run this by a few friends and the general consensus is the fourth panel (top right) is meant to evoke images of a facial/money shot. That doesn't even get into the potentially sensual depiction of all the girls gathering around to "help" in the rest of the panels...


  1. I don't know, just looks like getting hit in the face by the waterfall to me.

  2. Dude ... it's Milo Manara. What exactly are you expecting? ;)

  3. With my filthy mind, I'm shocked I didn't notice this before. Yeah, it is very suggestive.

  4. Spider, I know...but Marvel knew what to expect, too...which would seem to confirm they love sexually controversial images. I shudder to think what the talk will be if they let him do the covers. ;)

  5. Is this an international comic? I heard about it a while back, but I don't remember the details. I would say you're reading too much into the images there, but I also imagine there's other parts of the book that are way blatant about sexual imagery than that page.

    Still, I don't think Manara can draw a woman that doesn't look like she's about to have sex/just had sex/is having sex. He is really an absolutely amazing artist for all that he made his biggest fame off of his pornographic stuff. You just know that whoever hired the guy is totally looking forward to living out some kind of fanfic fantasies. If I was the editor or whoever decides these things I would totally commission pages that would never see the light of day, lol.

  6. I don't know...at the least, that upper right hand panel looks like something out of FLASHDANCE or SHOWGIRLS. ;)

    But you're right...there is probably worse in there. And how do we know that there isn't an editor with some new fan service art for his spank bank?

  7. *sigh*

    You see... THIS is how book burnings start.

    When people start "seeing" things in EVERYTHING.

    I'll bet if you showed that panel to 100 people and didn't say a word... a majority of them would not see a money shot.

    Once you open up the can of worms... the majority would likely see it.

    Me? I don't really give a crap.

    For pete's sake I could say that the Mona Lisa is smiling because she's being pleasured and that you just can see her lower half to notice.

    When you start looking for suggestive things in everything... you're going to find it... intentional or not.

    And with that sort of mindset... we're eventually headed towards a society that will condone and force censorship upon us in huge waves.

  8. OK...the woman is struggling for her life...but is staring up with that look at the splash of some substance in her face...drawn by a guy famous for drawing porn comics.

    I'm just seeing things. ;)

  9. At least Milo Manara can actually draw...

  10. Og.

    For Manara, this is an absence of sexual content.

    No, that's an overstatement, let me try again.

    This is sensual, but not sexual, strictly speaking.

  11. Mmmm... didn't see the money shot, but I DID see...

    the fact that she looks like she's having an orgasm on every single page where her face is visible, and at the end just looks "spent".

    And do any of these women ever STOP pouting? Seriously?


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