Wednesday, May 21, 2008

SCHWAPP!!! Comics Week 28: Secret Invasion #2


  1. I agree that this issue was a major letdown. Hardly anything happened despite so much stuff happening in the first issue (which I really liked). I will admit to enjoying the Nick Fury Mighty Avengers issues though. Glad to see you're vlogging again by the way.
    Also, JG Jones won't require fill in artists for Final Crisis, trust me.

  2. No more shirtless vlogs please.

  3. Too tempting, Frag? ;)

    Thanks for the comments, Langerlord. I appreciate you sticking around during my vlog drought and coming along to the blog. :)

  4. Did it happen to be laundry day there dude?

    I totally get what you are on about in that things seem stretched out into an extra unnecessary number of books. I agree that it happened a lot with House Of M (it'll was really just a 4-5 issue story in my opinion) and Civil War proper in the middle. This one was a quick read too especially the first half.

    I'm probably most pissed with Marvel making this issue (and rest of the series I guess) a $4 book with no added pages. Having to pay extra for only a cardboardy cover is a fricking joke. It seems to be happening more often and I'm just hoping it isn't setting a precedent.

  5. laundry day. I was just >this< close to going to bed and decided I should just get the vlog done, since I had prepped the art and intro music a day or two before. Who knew the anti-fans would find it so interesting over in the YouTube comments? :)

    You're right about the "cardboard cover as only justification for price increase" becoming far too prevalent. It is a lousy way to suck more money out of fans without giving them any compensation.


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