Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why I Despise Greg Land's Artwork Reason 139

Because somewhere out there, there is a pornstar receiving a facial that has Pixie's smile in the scene/picture. Friggin' Land and his crutches...


  1. Hey, remember when Pixie was a 15 year old girl?
    Ya know, 5 months ago?


  2. Yeah...but I figured that out: in order for Greg Land to find a younger female body and face to trace, he'd have to look at child pornography (as he seems to use adult pornography for his adult female bodies and faces).

    While it may hurt the continuity of the book, I think he's made the right personal choice by not crossing THAT line.

  3. I think he used the same face for Emma Frost in X-Men: Phoenix End Song. Sadly, it was a pretty good issue if not for the Land art.

  4. Is that not Pam Anderson's face from a mainstream magazine photoshoot? That's what it looks like to me.

  5. Maybe this is the reference? Or not.


  6. Could be. Then again, I've seen more Land female faces traced back to at least semi-pornographic materials rather than mainstream stuff. Now, if you said it looked like a screen cap from the Pamela Lee-Anderson sex tape...

  7. Oops...I didn't see the latest comment before I said that. Still...that pic isn't enough of an exact match for a Land tracing. I don't think he does plain ol' photo reference. :)

  8. Hey, Kevin:

    I've provided some reasons why John Cassaday is better than Greg Land.



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