Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bush Doesn't Read

He's said time and again that he doesn't read the newspaper. Apparently, he doesn't want anyone else to...maybe he thinks it will help his approval rating through the rest of his life. I mean...when history will judge his actions, as he says, it might help him if no one can actually read about what he did.

Why do I say this? Bush proposed a budget that cuts every last READING IS FUNDAMENTAL dollar out. Do you remember that program in school? Do you remember that the point was to make sure that even underprivileged children had a way to get a book to read, regardless of their parents' financial situation?

Soon, it might just be a memory. Who knew it was possible to respect Bush even less...


  1. sigh.....November is pretty close, right?

  2. Yeah...but he's still in power until January 19th, 2009. :(


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