Sunday, April 06, 2008

Can We Get The Consensus on Marvel_b0y's Status?

He stopped posting suddenly. Barely addressed any of the audience's many concerns about his legitimacy. Ended on the whimper of saying that RUN FATBOY RUN. we think now that he was definitely marketing and they didn't know how to wrap up the production?
Or maybe the silence is meant to build things up for him speaking out again as a viral marketing tool?
Was he just a bitter employee like he suggested?
Or something else?

I'll be running a poll on the front of the site to get what popular opinion is.


  1. I still say it was Jen Gruenwald. On one of the first posts MB made sure to say that she was the best looking woman in comics. Then on the Run Fatboy post, I mentioned it was her and said something to the effect that she wasn't very good looking at all.

    The post was taken down.

    So it was either her or one of her buddies at Marvel, meaning that it was an inside thing making it viral.

  2. I reckon it was just Viral bullshit, and very bad viral bullshit. To release the plot of the story completely, before release really shows a lack of confidence in the product.


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