Thursday, April 17, 2008

No Lunch? No Problem!

I have two questions I'd like to ask Joe Quesada. Two YES/NO questions.

I'll make a donation of $100 to Hero Initiative for each question answered. If both questions are answered, I'll double the donation...making it $400 donated to a great charity. The time and place of the questions is completely up to Marvel.


  1. Isn't he doing one of his Cup of Joe panels at the New York Comic Con? You can just ask him questions then and on the record. Not that I think it really matters.

    I attended his panel in Baltimore a couple of years ago and he responded to most questions with either a lie or the claim that an announcement would be made at the retailers summit the following Monday. The retailers summit and not the actual comic con seemed the place to be if you wanted to find stuff out.

  2. At least one of the questions really doesn't fit the panel format. And, again, it is about wanting the answers and trying not to be a guerrilla journalist in a panel. ;)

  3. I just started reading your blog during the whole "Marvel Boy" bruhaha, but I like it and plan on coming back for more as you post updates, but I have to ask: What are the 2 questions? And if you can't tell us now, will you ever?

    Keep up the good work, and fuck the haters.

  4. I'd prefer to keep them secret until after Joe answers or the convention is over, whichever comes first. ;)


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