Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SCHWAPP!!! Is Proud To Sponsor The Bendis Boards

So I started advertising on the Bendis Boards earlier today...

Update1: Well, my money is no good there. They've canceled my sponsoring of their site, but did it with humor this time. The current winning bid has alternative text that says, "go somewhere else why don'tcha?" Of course, it is paying considerably less than I was paying. C'est la vie.

Update2: HA. Apparently, whoever outbid my ad for no apparent reason is stalking my Project Wonderful ad buys. Right after the comment below about my money being welcome there, someone decided to outbid me with an ad that points to a YouTube video and alt text that says, "what was that again?" Oh...won't this be fun...

Update3: Out of respect for the man and his board that is giving me hours of entertainment with an ad-bidding war, might I suggest buying some of the best work from Brian Michael Bendis:

Personally, I highly recommend Torso and Fortune & Glory. I read Torso all in one sitting while flying to Barbados and F&G was a damn funny read.

Update 4: It is a little silly, at this point, that our mystery Bendis Board ad-bidder has followed me to three different sites to try to get rid of my advertising.

Final Update: It seems that my ad-stalker has had their fun and moved on. Could have had something to do with my backing off bids just enough for them to have the highest possible winning bid and didn't want to get stuck paying $60+/day just to keep me from advertising.

My sincerest apologies to our friends over Secret Society Wars for daily ad rates not staying up at their highest levels for just a little bit longer. It does seem that it just might have helped give a residual bump to your rates, though. And, hey, that ain't a bad thing.

Wait Just One Second Update: Genius is back with another animal flavored banner. The alt-text says "Still here." OK, now...anyone who wants to say no one cares is CLEARLY wrong. ;)

The Joke Isn't On Who They Think: My ad-sniping stalker's latest animal banner with a message says, "was it worth it?" Seeing as how this stalker's pockets don't seem deep enough to push on the more important and more expensive ads lately, I think the question should be pointed in their direction. They're failing to realize that many of their targets now aren't the ones with the best cost/click ratio, either. Which would be part of why I keep walking their bids up to the highest level and leaving them footing the bill.


  1. Ha! I did something like this back when I first heard about Project Wonderful. I had been banned from the Comic Geek Speak podcast forum. I purchased a Project Wonderful ad for my blog and had it up on their forum for a while. I finally let it lapse because I really wasn't getting that much traffic from it to even justify the five cents a day. :)

  2. Thats pretty funny, they must really dislike you to turn down money.

  3. Kevin had a public online brouhaha with Dan Slott. I think it stemmed from a review Kevin did on one of Dan's books. He (Dan) didn't like the review and demanded that Kevin give him his phone number so they could talk about it. Something like that.

  4. That's even funnier with that Dan Slott post under it. :D

  5. That's even funnier with that Dan Slott post under it. :D

    Agreed. I have to think Kevin went to that particular page to take the screen shot on purpose.

  6. Yeah, that screen shot was picked on purpose. I have another of just my ad over the creator forums...then over the first page of the Slott forums...but it hit me to take this one. ;)

    Oh...and I think the spoilers for Secret Invasion might have played a part, too.

  7. Hey, we like your money just fine at Secret Society Wars! :D

  8. Heh, you can thank the Bendis Boards for that. This gag introduced me to the eBay-like Project Wonderful. I've had a lot of fun trying to find sites to spend my funds on and see how many clicks I get. I think your site is in the top five of clicks for me at the moment.

  9. Excellent, we're glad you're getting the results you want. (:

    and yeah, Project Wonderful is a fun game to play too. I dunno about other people, but it's way more effective in exposure/clicks for dollar than anything else I've tried, including Google AdSense. Sheesh, that was a waste of cash there..

  10. Yeah, it definitely seems worthwhile. I'm getting some decent results and hitting more of the audience that I'd want than I have from other means.

    BTW, while I'm glad to be contributing to you, sir, don't get too used to this high rate (from me, at least). This is a rather unique bidding war. It will have some twists and turns, I assure you, but it might come down at some point in the future. :)

  11. Yeah, fun to watch for me, but I know it won't last. A coincidence of a quick (but hopefully persistent) jump in hits and nicely aligned stars.

    If it makes you feel any better, I dump all the earnings right back into my own advertising, so in a sense your money's doing double-duty by bringing in more hits to look at your ad :D

  12. LOL that's a good way to look at it. I'm just happy to see someone else come out the winner based on two losers letting their egos control their wallets. ;)

  13. Whoah. You guys are back again! :D

    I see you've learned the fine art of the Bleeder Bid. That's always a fun one to pull on someone who is persistent about not letting you have the adspace you want. (:

  14. Yeah...we're back. Now he's putting a different "animal" in his banners: me. With the alt-text of "douche". Kicking the game up a notch. I guess he thinks that will lead me to want to bid out in front of him. He don't know me too well. ;)

  15. Yep that was over the line, so I nuked that bid. Seems like it's getting kinda personal - do you even know who that guy is?

  16. Honestly, I don't know who exactly is doing it, other than it being someone with a fondness for the Bendis Boards (if not a direct affiliation).

  17. Seems, without my having to take real action, the bids are disappearing from PW. I was trying to sucker them into outbidding me to bleed them further and saw that all their bids on http://www.comicslist.com had disappeared.



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