Friday, July 25, 2008


Over at Newsarama, Chris Arrant interviewed Rick Remender about his Booster Gold arc. It only popped up on the site on 7/24, but it still had to run the following:

[Editor's note - The original version of this article incorrectly stated this creative team as the new regular writer. This team will be doing a two-issue story-arc.]

Now, either it is just subconsciously wishing Rick Remender was permanent on Booster Gold or...maybe it seemed like he was going to be on it and DC changed plans haphazardly again? I'm going with people just assuming Remender was going to be permanent due to being a perfect fit, rather than DC playing musical chairs again.


  1. Yep, my sight has been receiving tons of traffic from Google searches from "Rick Remender + Booster Gold". Obviously there are a lot of people out there that are interested in him being on the title.

  2. You know...I haven't been paying attention to what's bringing traffic in, but my page has seen a spike in unique hits over the last few days. We both blogged about it (you went into more detail, though). Hmmm.

  3. Maybe we should let DC know :)

    I said to asked Rick on Twitter if he would like to co-write a 'Head' mini-series with me, based on the character from All-New Atom.

    He said he would pitch it. Hah! I love that guy's sense of humor. I can see Marvel trying to snap him up soon, if DC don't give him a proper gig. Then again, he does have 4 non DC/Marvel series going at the moment, so I doubt he is too bothered about it :)

  4. Yeah...I saw that. He's good people.

    I think it might be too late to campaign for him. If he's only on for two issues, they already have someone writing the issue after his arc. That might be the permanent person.

  5. Writer of the article here. The truth to this is just as the editor's note said. All Rememnder was slotted for is two issues as a guest writer. I overlooked that, and made the mistake. When I realized it, we at Newsarama corrected it.

  6. Thanks, Chris. I didn't REALLY think that there was some change, but threw the possibility in there due to DC's recent track record.


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