Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Why You Should Follow Creators On Twitter

Overheard by a talented and fearless writer on Twitter:

Rewriting the final page of crap drawn by the worst storyteller in comics... thank God. THANK GOD THE NIGHTMARE IS OVER.

That's the stuff you hate to see happen between creators...but love to see pop up on your Twitter. Even if it is quite possibly tongue-in-cheek. More schadenfreude and I'll-be-watching-the-comic-gossip-blogs fun if it isn't. Well, if the columns start speculation on who the comment is about while thinking it is completely serious, but it turns out to be jest...that would probably be more funner. ;)


  1. Kirkman, Liefield, and Killraven?

  2. Heh. No. And I'm not going to speculate on who the artist is or what project they're working on. Observant folks might have seen a hint to who posted the Twitter if they had scanned my Twitter updates in the right hand column earlier. ;)

  3. Well, looking at the updates, and seeing who the writer in question is- he hasn't taken it down in the past 18 hours, it's not hard to figure out who the artist is, or the book, given that the book is late, and the artist has a bad reputation when it comes to storytelling.

  4. Honestly, I don't even know what it is that he's working on that is late with a penciller with questionable storytelling skills. Now that you say it checks out as most likely serious and very easy to figure out, I'm tempted. But, since I've gone to TPB on most of his projects (just because I can generally avoid spoilers), late books from him (the writer) go unnoticed.

  5. Well, I sent you an e-mail last night explaining who it might be, and why.

  6. D'oh! ePrompter hasn't been working properly the last few weeks and I've leaned on that for checking the site mail. Yeah, that's pretty much the book I expected it to be, but didn't know the back story behind the artist.


It is preferred that you sign some sort of name to your posts, rather than remain completely anonymous. Even if it is just an internet nickname/alias, it makes it easier to get to know the people that post here. I hope you all will give it some consideration. Thank you.